Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain BIT it last night...

OK...Wow...So the debate last night. Of course I had to watch. All I can say is, Well, "My Friends," I have a lot of "Hero's."

Seriously McCain, you are about as dumb as your running mate (SEE BELOW LINKS) and the current president!!! And what is up with answering a question with "Maybe"???? Tom Brokaw, the moderator said, "MAYBE????" in response to McCain's stupid answer. OMG...I sooooo want to know how many times he said "My Friends." There has GOT to be a tally out there somewhere and I will find it.

And the "Hero's" remarks...what is up with all his freaking Hero's?!?!?! Every politician or armed forces general is his "Hero." Ohhhh and one more thing....Who refers to another person as "That one"????? Yeah, McCain referred to Obama as "That one." BIT it last night and came off as being RUDE!!!!

McCain's Running Mate:

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